Social Responsibility

Promote development and prosperity of social economics, and improve the quality of life

We fully support local society, economic and cultural development, and discovering business opportunities in the fields of scientific and technological innovation and sustainable development, to create high-quality jobs for the local talents. We extend new technologies and processes to the new material market, thereby enhancing quality of end customer’s life. Through cooperation with universities makes technology industrialization to promote economic development.

Education Investment

What we invested local education and the cooperation with universities as the East China University of Science and Technology are really striking achievements. As an enterprise with technological innovation as its core, we attach importance to the training of young people who are keen on chemical industry and business management. Thanks to our continuously supporting for universities, they bring us well educated, skillful and talented managers, engineers and employees in return. We realized the talents sustainable development.   

Provide fund for laboratory

We fund laboratories with innovative capabilities and enterprising spirit, and sponsor special studies that are critical to our technological development.

Provide scholarships to fund basic education

These efforts have allowed us to cooperate with talented and passionate young people who are eager to make a difference in their chosen fields. Our investment in education is successful, what is delighted is that our cooperation with university does not only the financial supporting, but combined curriculum theory with practical production, and make a real contribution to technological progress.

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